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The Holy Family RC Parish: Penzance + St Ives + Hayle in West Cornwall + St. Mary's in the Isles of Scilly

2024: Newsletter list + articles + links

visit news page for current newsletter


2024 newsletters full list is further below <click link

some featured articles and links from 2024

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December


Epiphany Traditional New Year House Blessing "20 + C + M + B + 24" A tradition in the Catholic Church was to hand out blessed chalk at the Masses for Epiphany, to be used in blessing a home in the New Year. Write above your doorway as in the example above: 20 (first two numbers of the year) + C + M + B ( for the 3 Magi, Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar), then + 24 (last two numbers of the year), then write below: ' Christus Mansionem Benedicat' (“May Christ Bless this House.”) -- The four crosses represent the 4 seasons. As you are writing, pray the following prayer: "Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten Son to every nation by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen." ~ read more here (use at any other time of year, e.g. a new home).

Racial Justice Sunday 28th January resources

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed in January during the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul, the 18th to the 25th January. Theme for 2024 is: '‘You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself’ (Lk 10:27).' has come from an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso, facilitated by the local Chemin Neuf Community (CCN). They have reflected on the familiar story of the Good Samaritan, and all are encouraged to Go and do likewise. It is a story about crossing boundaries that calls our attention to the bonds that unite the whole human family.- resource links from Churches Together In Britain and Ireland are here ... Members and friends of 'Churches Together In Penzance Area' joined us at our Choral Evening Prayer on 21st January.

Fr David's Meditation for Christmastide 'Peace on Earth to People of Goodwill'


Message of Pope Francis for Lent 2024

The World Day of Prayer is an international event held on the first Friday of March. 2024 theme was: 'I beg you, bear with one another in love' - a well attended local ecumenical meeting took place our parish church on 1st March. ~ Poster ~ Press release ~ info ~ resources 2024

Ecumenical Lenten Frugal Lunches with Churches Together in Penzance Area Six were held at different church venues, proceeds to Christian Aid

Diocesan Newsletter February


Diocesan Newsletter March

Caritas Plymouth & Diocese Newsletter March ~ Caritas Plymouth - newsletter signup link

Watch on YouTube ~ The Crucifixion: 'A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer' sung at St Mary’s Church, Penzance, 30th March. An oratorio relating the Biblical narrative of the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus, for a SATB choir and organ composed by John Stainer in 1887 with text by W J Sparrow Simpson.

Pray the Rosary with Bishop Robert Barron using his introduction to the Rosary videos

The Novena of St. Joseph - with other prayers and devotions in honour of St. Joseph - Feast 19th March (novena 10th-18th March) and Feast of St. Joseph the Worker 1st May

APRIL: Our Biennial Music and Arts Festival Week 2024 - 12th to 19th May

In these holy days, the risen Christ repeats His call to each one of us: 'Come and follow me! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I have overcome death!'


Diocesan Newsletters: May '24 ~ Watch an inspiring video from Canon Paul recorded in honour of Caritas Plymouth's 5th anniversary. Read about Laudato Si week celebrations, the festival of Flores De Mayo, a historical miracle story from Our Lady of Buckfast, Marian spirituality here in our diocese and an article on how we can respond as Catholics to the general election.  Also featuring original art work and photography, including from school children, and important info about upcoming events. ~ March ~ February


'The Chosen' - Series 1 - 4 are free to watch online or on the Chosen app. S 4 episodes 1 & 2 recently screened at The Savoy cinema are now on YouTube with commentaries and later episodes.


The sea is all around our wide parish, so Sea Sunday which was on 14th July is always and important reminder of the work of Stella Maris. Seafarers and fishers play a vital role in all our lives, but they often work in difficult, hazardous conditions. The Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Your support will make a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need. A retiring collection was held - you can also donate by visiting stella maris, or by texting ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5. This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris to continue its important work, so please give generously. Thank You.

20th July World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly - Catholic Bishops' Conference articles and links


Our Parish Priest Canon Philip Dyson died peacefully on Sunday 18th August. Please pray for the repose of his soul. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Letter from Plymouth Diocese:  Dear parishioners of Holy Family Parish, Penzance, My thoughts and prayers are with you all in this time of grief and loss. Fr Philip was a good and faithful priest who gave of himself generously, selflessly, with humour and love. He was an example of faith to us all particularly in his last few months when it became clear that he would not recover from his cancer. I know that each of us will have stories and reminiscences of Fr Philip, and I would encourage you to share them with each other and celebrate the love that he gave so readily. In that way we support each other and remind ourselves of the truth that love is sacred and comes ultimately from God himself.

Please keep Fr Philip, his family and all who knew him in your prayers. In that way we accompany Fr Philip, and each other, in our pilgrimage of faith until we all meet again in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

May God bless you all
Canon Paul Cummins, Diocesan Administrator

Father Philip’s anniversary window which was donated by parishioners to mark his Silver Jubilee as a priest of the Plymouth Diocese, is of St John Henry Newman. It was installed in August together with the St Eugene de Mazenod new window which is on the right and was generously funded by a parishioner. click for larger photo

click image for larger file


The Requiem Mass for our Parish Priest Canon Philip Dyson who died on Sunday 18th August, took place at our church in Penzance on 26th September. Please pray for the repose of his soul. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

OCTOBER: Welcome to our new Parish Priest, Fr Paul Keys

NOVEMBER: Papal Encyclical 'Dilexit Nos' - 'On the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ'. ~ In his fourth encyclical, Pope Frances urges us, in the midst of so many global crises, to connect with what truly matters – the heart. In welcoming the encyclical, Cardinal Vincent Nichols emphasised that the letter is for everyone because the Sacred Heart of Jesus is ‘the source of living water that moves us and enables us to reach out to others, to offer forgiveness, to make amends for our failings, to seek to build healing relationships of faithfulness and service. In the heart of Jesus, we find love.’ ~ The encyclical is available to download via the Bishops of England and Wales website.


New Lectionary from Advent 2024 - Catholic Bishops' Conference info - more info here

Watch a video message on the spiritual significance of the sacred season of Advent, from Canon Paul Cummins.

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (on Monday December 9th in 2024) is the Patronal Feast of Penzance Catholic Church.

Meditation for Christmastide by Canon David: ~ 'Peace on Earth to People of Goodwill'


2024 Sunday newsletters list

January 2024: January Homilies

7th January - The Epiphany of the Lord
14th January - 2nd Sunday OT
21st January - 3rd Sunday OT
28th January - 4th Sunday OT

 February 2024: February Homilies

4th February - 5th Sunday OT
11th February - 6th Sunday OT
18th February - 1st Sunday of Lent
25th February - 2nd Sunday of Lent

March 2024: March Homilies

3rd March - 3rd Sunday of Lent
10th March - 4th (Laetare) Sunday of Lent
17th March - 5th Sunday of Lent
24th March - Palm Sunday
31st March - Easter Sunday

April 2024: April Homilies

7th April - Divine Mercy Sunday
14th April - 3rd of Easter
21st April - 4th of Easter
28th April - 5th of Easter

May 2024: May Homilies

5th May - 6th of Easter
12th May - 7th of Easter
19th May - Pentecost Sunday
26th May - Trinity Sunday

June 2024: June Homilies

2nd June - Corpus Christi
9th June - 10th Sunday ordinary time
16th June - 11th Sunday ordinary time
23rd June - 12th Sunday ordinary time
30th June - St Peter and St Paul

July 2024: July Homilies

7th July - 14th Sunday ordinary time
14th July - 15th Sunday ordinary time
21st July - 16th Sunday ordinary time
28th July - 17th Sunday ordinary time

August 2024: Aug Homilies

4th August - 18th Sunday ordinary time
11th August - 19th Sunday ordinary time
18th August - 20th Sunday ordinary time
25th August - 21st Sunday ordinary time

September 2024: Sept Homilies

1st Sept - 22nd Sunday ordinary time
8th Sept - 23rd Sunday ordinary time
15th Sept - 24th Sunday ordinary time
22nd Sept - 25th Sunday ordinary time
 29th Sept - 26th Sunday ordinary time

 October 2024:

6th October - 27th Sunday ordinary time
13th October - 28th Sunday ordinary time
20th October - 29th Sunday ordinary time
27th October - 30th Sunday ordinary time

 November 2024:

3rd November - 31st Sunday ordinary time
10th November - 32nd Sunday ordinary time
17th November - 33rd Sunday ordinary time
24th November - Christ The King

 December 2024:

1st December - 1st Sunday of Advent
8th December- 2nd Sunday of Advent
15th December - Gaudete Sunday
22nd December - 4th Sunday of Advent
29th December - The Holy Family 

update December 2024 v24.12 JMJ +AMDG  admin ê¿ê

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